Our Lady of Mount Carmel

Our Lady of Mount Carmel

"Mary’s presence among her daughters and sisters pervades the entire Carmelite vocation. It imparts a special Marian tone to their contemplation, sisterhood, evangelical self-denial, and apostolic spirit.”     

Constitutions 53

Our Lady of Mount Carmel

"Mary’s presence among her daughters and sisters pervades the entire Carmelite vocation. It imparts a special Marian tone to their contemplation, sisterhood, evangelical self-denial, and apostolic spirit.”     

Constitutions 53

Carmel and the Blessed Virgin Mary

The Carmelite claim to the special patronage of the Blessed Virgin Mary dates back to the very origins of the order. A twentieth century archaeological find on Mount Carmel revealed the existence of an oratory from the third century dedicated to the Mother of God, two centuries before the Council of Ephesus honoured Mary with this title. This shows that Carmel was a place of special devotion to Mary from the earliest days of Christianity. Pilgrims from all over Europe settled on Mount Carmel under Mary’s patronage, a privilege which the Order cherishes to this day. 

Carmel and the Blessed Virgin Mary

The Carmelite claim to the special patronage of the Blessed Virgin Mary dates back to the very origins of the order. A twentieth century archaeological find on Mount Carmel revealed the existence of an oratory from the third century dedicated to the Mother of God, two centuries before the Council of Ephesus honoured Mary with this title. This shows that Carmel was a place of special devotion to Mary from the earliest days of Christianity. Pilgrims from all over Europe settled on Mount Carmel under Mary’s patronage, a privilege which the Order cherishes to this day. Feasts of our Lady, especially the solemnity of Our Lady of Mount Carmel on 16th July are, therefore, kept with great love and devotion. 

Through the centuries the Carmelite saints and spiritual writers have all revealed, in different ways, something of what the love of the Mother of God has meant in their lives. Devotion to Mary however is deeply personal and, given the interior nature of our contemplative prayer, mostly takes the form of a silent and loving union with her. From this union flows joy in her intercession and a great charity. Mary is the mother and friend who walks with us securely through the ups and downs of every day and in the gift of self so vital in all consecrated life. The most powerful form of devotion to the Mother of God is expressed in the imitation of her virtues, in her openness to God's Will to the promptings of the Holy Spirit and in her total service and love of Jesus.

Feasts of our Lady, especially the solemnity of Our Lady of Mount Carmel on 16th July are, therefore, kept with great love and devotion. 

The brown scapular

Our Lady appeared to the English Carmelite,  St Simon Stock, in 1251 and gave him the brown scapular with the promise that whoever died wearing it with devotion would go quickly to heaven.  Ever since, the whole Carmelite family has worn it as a silent prayer of love and confidence.  Furthermore, when Our Lady appeared at Fatima in 1916 she held out the brown scapular over the world as a sign of her protection.

Carmel is totally Marian

There is an ancient saying: 'Totus Marianus est Carmelus' - Carmel is totally Marian. Our life in Carmel is modelled on her simple life at Nazareth - simple yet wholly centred on Jesus. Her self-gift, in answer to God's invitation, drew the Holy spirit to overshadow her, so that the Word became flesh and came to live among us. In union with her, we offer our prayer and our whole selves to her Son, that the Holy Spirit may overshadow each and everyone of God's children throughout the world, and that God's Kingdom may come in all its fulness.

The brown scapular

Our Lady appeared to the English Carmelite, St Simon Stock, in 1251 and gave him the brown scapular with the promise that whoever died wearing it with devotion would go quickly to heaven. Ever since, the whole Carmelite family has worn it as a silent prayer of love and confidence. Furthermore, when Our Lady appeared at Fatima in 1916 she held out the brown scapular over the world as a sign of her protection.

The Perfect Contemplative

The hidden contemplative life of Mary is the model for all Carmelites. The few words in scripture which tell us of Mary are constant inspirations for all in Carmel.  

“Mary treasured all these things and pondered them in her heart.”

Luke 2:19 

"Behold the handmaid of the Lord.  Let it be done unto me according to your word."

Luke 1:38

"My soul magnifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my saviour."

Luke 1:46-47

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